Sunday, September 27, 2015

For the week of September 28th - October 2nd

Hello Everyone!
The meet went really good. Many of you took time off your events. That is what we like to see. Zach Munds qualified for state in the 100 Free. Jaliee Tuft qualified in the 200 IM and 500 Free, WAY TO GO! Thank you to all the parents that helped us out during the meet and cleaning up. It is great to have support from our parents.
We have a swim meet on Friday October 2nd at the Caldwell YMCA. Swimmers need to be there at 4:45 pm and in the water at 5:00pm. We need all swimmers to help stay and clean up after this meet. The more that stay the faster we get it out of there.

At this meet we need the following positions filled by parents:
4- Officials( Want to make sure we have back ups in case of emergencies)( for parents that took the training)
1-Head Timer
2- Place Judges
1- Hospitality
1-Computer which will be done by Vivian Wright (thanks!)
1- Announcer
1- selling heat sheets
Please let me know as soon as possible if you can fill any of these positions. We can't have a meet if we don't get these filled.

We will be asking the swimmers what they want to swim on Monday at both practices. If your swimmer can't make it to practice please email me with what they want to swim.

Thank you

Monday, September 21, 2015


Our team photo will take place at Vision Charter on this Thursday, at 3:30 pm.  Please meet out in front of the High School with your sweatshirt on.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

For the week of September 21st - 26th

  1. Please attend practice on Monday, September 21st so we can schedule your events for Saturday's meet. 
  2. Saturday's meet will take place at our YMCA.  Stretches and "swim tats" take place at 4:40.  Warm ups at 5:00pm and the meet starts at 5:30pm
  3. Team pictures (done by the talented Mrs. Baughn) will take place at school this week either Tuesday or Thursday at 3:30 at Vision Charter.  Please wear your new team sweatshirt.  Pictures will be available for purchase later in the season.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Another meet on Tuesday!

Hello all!  I realize these meets are back to back, but they are great practice!  I will see you all tomorrow evening at the Nampa Rec center around 5:15.  Warm Ups start at 5:30 and the meet should start at 6pm. 

Remember to eat well tomorrow and eat a healthy meal around 3:30pm.  After that, it should be water, bananas, nuts and power bars.   We are swimming all the same events as Saturday and I should have the men's sweatshirts by 4pm. 

Sleep well tonight!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First meet! Wahoo!!!

  • We will be busting our buns this week at practice in preparation for our first meet.  
  • Please make sure you have your 11 practices in before Friday afternoon.
  •  Team sweatshirts should be in Friday and I will pick them up on our way to practice.
  • The meet is Saturday, at the College of Idaho starting at 4:30 pm.
Things to remember for the meet:
  1. Healthy carbo-load 2 days before.  
  2. Get a good night's sleep Friday night
  3. No soda a week before swim meets
  4. Eat healthy the day of the meet . . .lean protein (eggs, nuts and chicken)
  5. Bring refueling foods to the meet . . .power bars, bananas, nuts and water.  (Sport drinks have too much sugar so think more along the lines of coconut or aloe water and No citrus fruits!)
  6. Warm Ups start at 4:30pm.  This means be on deck, stretched out, dressed out, ready to swim.
  7. Meet starts at 5:00.
  8. Watch the board and listen to the events announced.  You need to keep track of when you are swimming.
  9. Always ask your time when you finish with a race.  Then report the time back to the coaches table.  
  10. Cheer for your fellow swimmers.  
  11. Always do your best.  Don't let one mistake ruin a whole meet.  Shake it off and re-focus.