Sunday, August 30, 2015

First meet/ suits/ sweatshirts/ pictures and more

Hello all!

Our first meet is quickly approaching!  I am very excited to see all your hard work come to fruition.  Here are a couple of reminders:

  1. Team suits should be in no later than Thursday of this week.  It is sooooooo important you try on your suit Thursday.  If it doesn't fit, you need to have it back in my possession no later than Friday so I can re-order.  
  2. You will get your team cap with your suit.
  3. Sweatshirt orders went out on Friday.  I should have our team sweatshirt the Friday before our first meet.
  4. Team pictures will be taken this year by our own talented Mrs. Baughn (Maddie's mom) and will be scheduled after team sweatshirts arrive.
  5. First meet - Saturday, Sept 12th at the  College of Idaho. Warm ups - 4:30pm - Meet -5:30pm More meet information will go out next week. 

***Warm ups mean you must be at the pool, dressed out, stretched out, on deck, ready to go*****

On Team meeting Tuesday we will be discussion the importance of Nutrition.  All hand outs will be posted on the blog.  

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Suits and Sweatshirts sizes needed by this Friday


It is that time again to order our team gear.  Remember this is something I pay for out of my swim budget but I do need sizes.  Please click the following links to size your gear.  All gear is non-returnable so please take the time to figure out what you really need and either email me or talk to me at practice.

Swim Suits

Women's Sizing Chart                                  Men's Sizing Chart


***There is only one chart.  Men's and Women's sweatshirts are different sizes this year so please size from the appropriate column****

If you know of anyone still interested in joining the swim team, we still have this week.  Please forward on the blog information.  



Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Swim Season official has begun!

Tonight, marked our first swim team practice.  We had a pretty good turn out but if you know someone who is interested in joining, there is still time.  I will take new recruits or returning swimmers up until the first week in September.

Here are a couple of reminders:
1.  There will be an Officials training session offered on:

Thursday, August 27.  
at the Boise Library located on the corner of Cole and Ustick.   

Remember, Vision Charter must supply two officials for each meet our team swims in.  If we don't have Parent Officials, we can't compete.   Please email me if you can attend this meeting no later than August 20th.  

2.  I will be sending out a link for swim suit sizing next week.  Just as a reminder,  I buy the team suits but it is up to the parents and swimmers to tell me the right size.  Maddie, our returning team captain, picked out some really amazing team suits this year.  Click the links below to view.

                     Ladies Racing Suit                                                 Men's Racing Suit      

3.  I will also be sending out pictures of our possible team sweatshirt.  The team will vote on their choice and majority rules.  I am still looking for quotes printing the sweatshirts.  If you know someone who works in the business and is willing to help us out, please forward their info on.

4.  Our first swim meet is scheduled for Saturday, September 12th.  I don't have a time yet, but this meet should only last about 2 hours.  I look forward to seeing all our parents cheer our team on.   

As always . . .questions, comments etc ?  Please don't hesitate to call, email or drop by.  Coach Kara Evans

Monday, August 17, 2015

Quick Reminder

Hello all!

This is just a quick reminder to do the following:

  1. Print all paperwork from the web.  Only Freshmen and Juniors need physicals.  Everyone else needs to fill out the Interim paperwork.
  2. Get all your paperwork in to the YMCA front desk.  
  3. Be sure to tell the Y you are with Vision Charter High School Swimming when making payment arrangements
  4. See you suited up and on deck for our first practice Wednesday night!
  5. Remember all this has to be done before you can set foot in the water.
Please call or email 
Kara Evans

Sunday, August 9, 2015

One more piece of paperwork . .. Don't forget swim team starts in 10 days!

Hello all!

For those of you who already filled out all your paperwork there is one more page I just added.  It is the Verification of School District and Residential Boundaries for Swimming Eligibility under the Swim Team paperwork tab.  I can sign for you on the "team representative" line.

Friday, August 7, 2015

More opportunities to earn money for swim team!

Mrs. O is offering more opportunities this next week to earn $8.00 an hour to be put towards swim team fees. 

Just be at the school Monday morning at 9am with your work clothes on. 
(Painting may be involved) 

 Make sure to sign in on the clipboard and list that you are with swim team.  

Monday, August 3, 2015

Parent Official Training Meeting Set

There will be an Officials training session offered on:

Thursday, August 27.  
at the Boise Library located on the corner of Cole and Ustick.   

Remember, Vision Charter must supply two officials for each meet our team swims in.  If we don't have Parent Officials, we can't compete.   Please email me if you can attend this meeting no later than August 20th.