Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Check List for Swim Meets

Check list for “away” swim meets:
1.    Sack lunch because we will be leaving by 10:30 at the latest.
2.    Towel
3.    Team suit and team swim cap!!!
4.    Sweatshirt and something warm to put on after you swim (blankets, sweats, jacket/sweatshirt, etc…)
5.    Money for dinner – we will stop to get food/dinner after the meet before we drive back from Twin Falls.  You are responsible for buying your own food. J
6.    Goggles
7.    Healthy Snacks!!!  (examples are jerky, nuts, cheese, granola bars, trail mix, water, fruit, etc….)
8.    If you are riding with a parent home please let me know because I need to account for ALL of you.  Right now I have Gabe C., Ethan S., Carter M. riding with parents and Alex H. driving. 

Thursday, August 29, 2019



I just received an email that they need to change our meet to next Friday, September 6th instead of Saturday, September 7th.  The time will be 1:30 PM for coaches meeting and warm-ups at 2 PM.  If you are driving with a parent you MUST be there no later than 1:50 PM.  The van will be leaving the school at 10:00 AM.

Please let me know if you will be riding with a parent, as I only have room for 14 swimmers.  If I have too many swimmers we will have to only take 14 kids to this meet and rotate for the next meet.  It is a varsity meet, so these kids will get priorities if it comes to that.  If your parent is driving and has room for anyone please let me know. 

I HAVE TO HAVE 3 parents to volunteer as timers!!  This is mandatory for every team in order to attend meets.  Please let me know which meet your parent can volunteer for.  I must have 3 volunteers for Friday, so text me or email me to let me know.

Thank You!!!   I am so excited for our first meet and to watch you all shine!!! 

Also - sweatshirts are ordered and so are swim suits.  I have paid for these items on my own personal credit card, so make sure you get me the money as soon as possible.  :)

Thank You!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Work for Mrs. O to help with fees

Mrs. O has offered for swim team kids to come and work off some of their fees tomorrow at school from 9 AM to Noon.  She will apply $8 per hour towards swim team fees!!! :)  It will be cleaning up trash around school, pulling weeds, etc.. to make school look wonderful for next week "Meet the Teacher night"

Liability waiver for College of Idaho that must be signed prior to practice


Above is the link to this document, please print and sign for  Monday. 

The College of Idaho


Use of The College of Idaho facilities is conditional on the acceptance of a set of terms and regulations established by the college. These rules and regulations are requirements of the state or federal law, the college, the Office of Residential Life or event sponsor and are designed to maintain an appropriate physical and social environment for the benefit of all guests and the college.

I understand that The College of Idaho, its officers, employees, and agents are not liable for property that may be lost, stolen or damaged in any way. I understand that I have primary responsibility for my own safety, and I am expected to comply with all safety and emergency procedures.

I understand and assume all dangers and risks associated with this event and waive all my claims or causes of action arising out of participation in this event.

I agree to hold The College of Idaho, its successors and assigns, its Board of Trustees and officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents and their heirs, executors and assigns, entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence, breach of contract, strict liability or otherwise.   

My agreement to abide by this document is also intended to bind my successor, heirs, executors and assigns.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

I have read the Liability Waiver and agree to waive all claims or cause of action against The College of Idaho arising out of my and /or my child’s participation in this event.

______________________________________________     ______________________
                             Signature of Participant                                                 Date

_______________________________________________     ______________________
                             Signature of Parent (participant under 18)                    Date

Swim Team Practice Starts Monday!

Swim team practice starts this Monday, August 12th from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM.  This time will only be until September 3rd and then our time will change to 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM.  Practice will be at the College of Idaho pool and I have attached a waiver for everyone to sign and bring Monday to practice.

If you have any questions or concerns you can email me at teresaperkins@visioncsd.org or call or text me at 208-989-2577.

Districts are October 29th (Tuesday after fall break) and State will be Nov 8th and 9th.

Meets so far:

Burley - Saturday, September 7th 8:00 AM
Jackpot (Twin Falls High School) - Wednesday, October 9th at 3:00 PM (tentatively scheduled depending on transportation)

Will update as we get invited to more meets.  I have been working on it all summer. 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Diving Clinic Opportunity!!

Diving Clinic

This Saturday, January 12th, 2019
11am – 1pm
College of Idaho Pool, 2112 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell, ID 83605
Cost - $20.00
The Diving Coach at the College of Idaho, CJ Hardy, is offering an incredible opportunity this Saturday! He graciously offered to teach a diving clinic to the middle school and high school students of Vision Charter.  If you are interested in improving your dive, not just off the side of the pool, or the starting blocks but would like to learn how to professionally dive off the diving boards, this clinic is for you.  Please make sure to be at the pool on Saturday with your suit, cap, goggles, towel, your $20 and the waiver that is on the back of this flyer.  Waivers must be signed by a parent in order to participate.

*If you haven’t raced, swam or dived competitively before, that is okay.  You must be able to swim one length of the pool and not be afraid of the deep end in order to participate. *

Questions?  Please contact Vision Charter Head Swim Coach Kara Evans at karaevans@visioncsd.org