Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Updates for the week of August 25th - 29th, Swim suit sizes and sweatshirt sizes

1. Morning practice time has been changed.  It now begins at 5:15 am and ends at 6:45 am.

2.  All registration and payment arrangements must be made by Wednesday, Sept 3rd or swimmers won't be allowed to practice.  

3.  Swim Suit orders will be placed this weekend.  Please click the links below and send me your sizing.
                            Ladies Suit                               Men's Jammers

4.  Sweatshirt orders must be placed by the end of Thursday in order to have our gear for our first meet.  I will have a sweatshirt in my classroom (H2) for you to gauge your size.  I am ordering from the same company as last year.  So if your sweatshirt from last year still fits, order the same size.  Please email me, drop by the classroom, tell me at swim practice on Thursday, call or text.  You don't want me guessing your size.   

5.  Thursday's parent meeting is only if you were unable to attend the last one and need more info on swim team or if you have any questions for the YMCA coaches.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

For the week of August 25th - August 29th

Hello all!

Welcome to the 2014 Swim Season.  Here are the in's and out's of this week:

1.  Practice this week is Monday - Friday at 5:30-7:00 am or pm. 

2.  Please make sure all your paperwork gets done this week and turned in.  The contact info and the team expectations need to go to me or to Teresa.  The Y membership and all monies need to go to the YMCA front desk.  Remember you do not need to pay everything upfront.  The Y is asking for a $50.00 down payment. 

3. During practice this week, I will be collection information for sweatshirt and swim suit sizing so we can have our gear for our first meet.  Here is the link to help pick your suit size. We are getting the suits in the red splatter design.  Just scroll down to the sizing chart and take your measurements.  Please remember the suits are true to size and they are supposed to be fitted to prevent "wardrobe malfunctions".
Ladies Suit
Mens Jammer

4. There will be a YMCA parents meeting on Thursday, August 28th from 7-8pm at the Caldwell Y in the conference room.  If you cannot attend, I will be there taking notes and will post everything to the blog.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Beginning of the Season Info

2014 Vision Charter Swim Team Info
Head Y Coach – Krista Brower
Head Vision Coach – Kara Evans  (208)-477-7811
Assistant Vision Coach – Teresa Perkins (208)-989-2577
Registration Requirements
1.       Fill out Vision Charter registration packet
a.     Code of Conduct Form
b.    Emergency Information Form
2.       Purchase a 3 month youth membership to the YMCA
3.       Freshman and Juniors must have a physical
Practice Schedule
1.     Monday – Friday at 5:30 – 7:00 am or pm
*In order to compete at the meets, you must attend 85% of the practices* 
In the case of an absence, please text or call Kara (208) 477-7811
1.     Total swim team fees for Vision Charter are $150.00
2.     Fees for YMCA youth membership are $24.90
Included in Fees
1.      Entry to swim meet fees, including the District meet. 
2.     Cap
3.     Team Sweatshirt
4.     Team swimsuit
Items not included
1.     Transportation to and from practice and meets
2.     Practice suits
3.     Goggles, towels and other personal gear.
4.     Physical Exam costs
Physical Exams
1.     All new to high school sports, freshman, and juniors must have a physical exam and have their doctor fill out and sign the attached Interim Questionnaire.
Scholastic Requirements
1.      The Idaho High School Activities Association requires all activity participants to be academically eligible, on tract to graduate, passing ISAT scores and ear the required amount of credits the previous semester for eligibility to participate.  Violations of these rules will result in a semester of ineligibility in extra-curricular activities.

Vision Charter High School Swim Team Code of Conduct
1.       All swimmers will be at practice on time.  If swimmers are going to be late or need to leave early, they will notify the coach ahead of time.
2.      85% of practices must be attended to qualify for swim meets.
3.      All swimmers will follow the directions and instructions of the coaching staff and display proper respect and sportsmanship toward coaches, officials, administrators, teammates, fellow competitors and the public at all times.
4.      We have a ZERO TOLERQNCE for bullying.  Any bullying, hazing or other disrespectful treatment of team mates will result in immediate disciplinary action, including suspension, loss of team sweatshirt and even dismissal from the team with no refund.
5.      All swimmers will refrain from public displays of affection towards other participants while at practice and at swim meets.
6.      All swimmer will only engage in age appropriate activities while at any practice, event or meet
7.      Any swimmer found using illegal drugs or alcohol will result in immediate disciplinary action including suspension from the team, loss of team sweatshirt and even dismissal from the team with no refund.
8.      No “deck changes” are permitted.  Athletes are expected to use the locker rooms.
9.      All swimmers will report any inappropriate behavior to the coaching staff immediately upon recognizing or hearing about such behavior.


Sign and Return Bottom Portion

I have read, understood and will abide by the Vision Charter Swim Team Code of Conduct.  I also understand that by not following the above code, I can lose swim privileges including refunds and team apparel.

Swimmer’s Printed Name                                                                                           Swimmer’s Signature and Date


Parent’s Printed Name                                                                                                Parents Signature and Date