Hello all!
We had a great first meet up in Hailey, Idaho. Official times are posted below.
The YMCA contacted me to let me know that the pool had more issues than they previously thought. They estimate the pool will be closed for another week. I currently have calls placed to other pools to try to find a home for this week and am waiting to hear back. Please be patient. I will email, text and call as soon as I know.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Updates for the Week of 8/21 - 8/26
This is the last week to recruit new swimmers for swim team. If you know of someone even mildly curious, have them drop by to see what practice is all about.
REMEMBER the YMCA Pool is closed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.
We got special permission to practice at the College of Idaho pool those days from 5:30 - 6:30
The COI pool is in the back part of the campus. There is a parking lot in back, just off of Oak Street. Park back there. The pool is one of the first buildings you run into. It is labeled. Just go down the stairs to the main deck area and I will meet you there.
Suit orders went out last night and are due to be here on Thursday . . .cross your fingers they fit.
Jacket orders will go out on Friday afternoon. If you want names on your jackets, you have to pay .75 a letter. I do not cover these costs. I will do my best to catch you all at practice on Wednesday and Thursday.
The Wood River Swim Meet is this Saturday, August 26th at the Blaine County Aquatic Center in Hailey ID. Here are the details:
- You must have 10 practices in before the meet. If you don't, you can't swim. These are the State rules. You are still welcome to come support the team.
- Jaden Mikesell's family owns a large van and has offered to drive. Depending on the number of swimmers going, the team may all fit. I'll be helping arrange rides on Wednesday.
- This is an outdoor meet. Be prepared for all types of weather. Bring your own camp chairs etc. Limited concessions will be available so it will be important to pack your own breakfast, snacks and possibly lunch.
- Dry clothes and towels will be important. Hats and sunscreen may also be needed.
- We will caravan from Vision Charter at 5:00am. Please be on time. It takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to get to the pool.
- Coaches Meeting is right at 8am. Warm Ups are at 8:15. Officials and Timers Meeting is at 8:45am. National Anthem - 8:55am. Meet starts at 9am.
- I am guessing the meet will last anywhere from 2 - 3 hours.
- If there is a quick place to grab lunch, we will stop for fast food only. Then book it back to Caldwell.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Updates for Pricing and How to Pay
Here are the final costs for swim team this season:
- If you are already a Y member - $70.00
- If you are a non-member - $112.00
- Regular meets - $5.50 per swimmer per meet
- District meet - $13.00 per swimmer
- State meet - $18.00 per swimmer ( I pay for swimmers who qualify)
Your swim fee's( which are paid to Vision Charter or swim coaches. Make checks to Vision) need to be taken care of before Sept. 13th. Meet fees need to be collected the day before the meets.
* If money is a concern, there are work opportunities available though Vision Charter. Please come visit with Coach Evans and I will put you in touch with Mrs. Oldenkamp.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Team Jackets and Suits
By the end of next week, I will be getting sizes to order your team jackets and suits. Here is a preview of what they will look like.

The jacket will be black with grey and white athletic stripes |
The logo will appear on the upper right hand side |
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Quick Updates for Monday's practice . . .Please read carefully.
After attending the coaches meeting, I have several updates that may impact our first practice. Please make sure you read these carefully.
1. All paperwork, along with fees or a payment plan must be taken care of prior to getting into the water. This includes having your physical done and a copy in my possession. I realize in the past there was a grace period. Unfortunately, being a sanctioned sport changes this rule.
2. Practice only counts if you are in the water swimming. If you are unable to swim and sit on the side to be supportive, it doesn't count as a practice. ( Again these are rules mandated from the Idaho High School Activities Association)
3. You must have 10 full practices in before you can participate in a swim meet.
The pool becomes available to us tomorrow right at 6:30pm . I plan on being at the YMCA around 5:45pm to help you navigate the process of registration. I realize that some of you may not be able to swim tomorrow and I apologize for the short notice. Again, the transition from club to sanction hasn't been a smooth or timely process. Just bare with us as we navigate these "new waters".
See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Welcome Back to the Fall 2017 High School Swim Season!!
Hello all! I realize that this is extremely short notice. There have been a lot of exciting changes happening for our team and I have spent a fair amount of time trying to organize these changes. Here is what you need to know:
1. Yes! Swimming is now an official high school sport. It is no longer a club.
2. I am now the sole, official coach of Vision Charter. Teresa Perkins will be joining us again this year as my assistant coach.
3. We no longer have to share the pool with other teams. Our pool time is just for Vision.
4. Our first practice is Monday, August 14th at the Caldwell YMCA at 6:30pm
5. Here is what you need to accomplish this week:
Down below is a FAQ sheet. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
Thanks and I look forward to an amazing swim season!
1. Yes! Swimming is now an official high school sport. It is no longer a club.
2. I am now the sole, official coach of Vision Charter. Teresa Perkins will be joining us again this year as my assistant coach.
3. We no longer have to share the pool with other teams. Our pool time is just for Vision.
4. Our first practice is Monday, August 14th at the Caldwell YMCA at 6:30pm
5. Here is what you need to accomplish this week:
- Fill out all the paperwork listed on the right side of the blog, under the tab called "Swim Team Paperwork".
- If you are new to swimming, a freshman or a junior, you must have a physical. The form to take to your doctor is listed under the "Swim Team Paperwork" tab. There are Quick/Urgent Cares around the Valley that do these for under $25.oo. I need this before your swimmer is allowed in the pool.
- You must pay your fees or set up payment arrangements with the Caldwell YMCA. The cost for swim team is $112.00 for non-Y members and $70.00 for Y-members. Fees and/or payment arrangements must be taken care of before swimmers are allowed in the pool. All monies are collected by the Y for the sole purpose of swim team, entry fees to swim meets and pool usage.
- Get 2 practice suits. 1 will not last you the season. If you order on Amazon or from swimoutlet.com, you can get practice suits under $22.00. For ladies, please think about straps that cross in the back and high fronts. For gentleman, look for jammers, not swim trunks.
- Get a really good pair of racing goggles. Cheap goggles don't last, don't stay on when diving and leak. A good pair of goggles runs around $25.00 and can be found at Big 5, Amazon and swimoutlet.com. Make sure if you order online to read the reviews and check for how fast they ship.
- Get 2 swim caps. You can pick these up on Amazon, local sporting good stores, or my favorite, swimoutlet.com. Anyone with hair on their head should have them.
Down below is a FAQ sheet. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
Thanks and I look forward to an amazing swim season!
2017-2018 Swim Season FAQ's
Can I ride Bus #5 to the YMCA after school?
Vision Charter High School Swimming
2017- 2018 Season
Head Coach Kara Evans karaevans@visioncsd.org
Assistant Coach Teresa Perkins teresaperkins@visioncsd.org
Assistant Coach Teresa Perkins teresaperkins@visioncsd.org
Please subscribe to www.vcsswimteam.blogspot.com for updates over the summer
How long does the season run?
The high school swim season starts mid-August and ends with the State Tournament the first week in November.
What are the practice times/days?
We practice at the Caldwell YMCA from around 6:15 – 7:30pm. Practice is 5 days a week. You must attend 85% of the practices in order to participate at a swim meet. Always send the coach a text or email if you cannot attend practice, along with the reason.
What are the costs?
a. Things you need to buy:
1. Swim Team membership $150.00 for the season.
2. If you have a membership to the YMCA, you will receive a discount. I am still waiting on a price but the Y thinks it will be around $80ish.
3. Practice suits (can be purchased on-line at Swimoutlet.com for around $15.00 – 20.00)
4. Good googles (cheap googles don’t last and leak – Swimoutlet.com and Big 5 sporting goods sell
them for around $20.00)
them for around $20.00)
5. Practice Cap ( Swimoutlet.com, Big 5 and the Swim and Run Shop sell them for around $3-5.00)
b. Things I purchase for you:
1. Team Sweatshirt
2. Team Racing Suit (cannot be worn at practice)
3. Team Racing Cap (cannot be worn at practice)
Can I ride Bus #5 to the YMCA after school?
Yes! Most swimmers just take the bus to the Y after school. There is time to do homework or dry land training. You have to go to the Caldwell YMCA and get the paperwork to ride the bus. It is at the front desk.
Can I letter in swimming?
Yes! You must either meet the State Tournament qualifying times or go to State on a relay team. You must also be recommended by the coaches for being a team player, having passing grades and no disciplinary issues at the pool or school.
Can I use swim team as a PE credit?
Yes! You have to keep track of the hours you swim and the coach must sign off on your tracking log.
Do I need to be an excellent swimmer to join swim team?
No, however, you do need to be able to swim 1 lap in the YMCA pool. Swimmers are divided at practice according to ability. I do suggest you join a summer swim team, take lessons and/or take the time to brush up on your strokes before swim season starts in mid-August. We hit the ground running!
Do I have to try out to be on the team?
No, everyone is accepted, however, faster swimmers get first pick of events and relays.
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